Free Yoga Business Training Module 1: Strategy

Why start a yoga business with strategy?

If you don’t know where you are going, and who you are taking with you, you are unlikely ever to arrive. Whilst strategy seems like the boring reserve of the men in suits, it’s essential for us as successful yoga teachers.

What kind of yoga do you want to teach? What’s different about your teaching style? Who is your target customer? How are you going to find (and crucially) persuade those people to come to your classes?

Marie created an innovative launch approach for her own yoga teaching business that drew on her years of experience of customer psychology as well as marketing knowhow. In this module she shares the secrets of that successful launch that saw several hundred people enquiring about her teaching and over a hundred coming to classes in the first six weeks.

We start the course with strategy asking questions such as what it is you are offering and to whom.

This leads into brand development helping you think about your style and positioning in the marketplace. The module will hep you develop your USP that will define what it is that you offer, to whom and what it is that makes you better than others.

We look at how to write your ‘About’ text which sits as the foundation of much of your brand and communications work. Getting this written down is often so challenging – we help you get it done.

Other strategic aspects include competitor research, pricing strategy, how to create a budget and run your accounts, developing a customer journey, admin considerations and legal requirements to have in place.


What's in the next module?

Module 2 is all about creating a website. There are lots of options available (including some ideas for NOT having a website).

It will be uploaded shortly to the website here (I’m waiting on some development to be done) but you can head over to YouTube to watch it now if you prefer (use the YouTube link in Module 1).